Sleep Doreen McCafferty Sleep Doreen McCafferty

Sleep Hygiene

Sleep is essential to good health. A Mineral Balancing program will help you get better sleep and in this article you will find sleep habits you can practice to improve sleep.

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Doreen McCafferty Doreen McCafferty

Time to Unplug

What does it mean to unplug and why is it so important to your health? Discover my top five reasons for unplugging to promote healing and help you find connection to "real" relationships and happiness.

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Mineral Ratios Doreen McCafferty Mineral Ratios Doreen McCafferty

The Na/K Ratio: The Key to Your Immune System

The Na/K ratio, also called the vitality ratio, is the most important mineral ration on a hair tissue mineral analysis test. Discover how understanding your Na/K ratio can help me design the right program to balance your body, increase your vitality and improve the ability of your immune system to function effectively.

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Hair Mineral Analysis Doreen McCafferty Hair Mineral Analysis Doreen McCafferty

How my Mineral Program Works

My Mineral Balancing Program is personalized just for you! Not only will I help you bring your minerals into correct levels, balance your mineral ratios, but my program also addresses gut health and other issues. Plus I give you ongoing support while you work with me on your Mineral Balancing journey.

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Toxicity Doreen McCafferty Toxicity Doreen McCafferty

Toxins: Sources and Symptoms

Discover why you are toxic and learn how you can reduce or eliminate toxic exposure so you can begin on a path to healing and wellness. This article contains the symptoms of various metal toxicity and detailed lists of how to reduce the exposure to each of these toxins.

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