Oxidation Rates: Slow, Fast, and Mixed

January 26th, 2022

Summary of Oxidation rates – Fast and Slow


This article is a summary of the oxidation rates and their meanings. It is not a deep dive into the ratios that indicate the oxidation rates using a Hair Mineral Analysis. (The video goes into more details).

Defining Oxidation:

Oxidation, regarding digestion, is the chemical process of how we use, or burn, and break down the food we eat. Your oxidation rate indicates how energy is being released in the body during digestion. This energy release occurs at different speeds in nature as well as human be­ings.

          All oxidation rates have their problems as you will see below and a key to healing and maintaining health requires balancing the oxidation rate. This is an ongoing process since are bodies are constantly changing.

          Contrary to popular belief, slow oxidizers are not necessarily fat, and fast oxidizers are not always skinny. Weight gain, or loss, is determined by many factors and has little to do with one’s oxidation rate.

The Slow Oxidizer

A slow oxidizer releases energy too slowly to maintain adequate health. In slow oxidation the cells are too rigid, and nutrients do not easily pass into the cells, which means the body is not able to assimilate the nutrients from the food one is eating. We cannot maintain health if we cannot get the nutrients we need into our cells! Due to the rigidity of the cells, the body often does not detox well as toxins are trapped and unable to move. To improve one’s health, heal the body, prevent disease, and release toxins the oxidation rate must be increased. As the oxidation rate is increased the energy level also improves. Most slow oxidizers have ex­hausted thyroid and adrenal glands. These major energy producing glands must be stimulated through proper diet and supplements to restore them to normal function.

The Fast Oxidizer

A fast oxidizer releases energy too quickly to maintain adequate health. Fast oxidizers have cells that are too permeable and allow nutrients and toxins to pass easily through the body. Absorption of nutrients is poor, and toxins are often rampant in a fast oxidizer. Tissue breaks down faster than it repairs while in fast oxidation and fast oxidations have more inflammation and “itis” conditions. For the body to heal, a fast oxidizer must be slowed down.

The fast oxidizer has overactive adrenal and thyroid glands. In fast oxidation the adrenals and thyroid tend to overwork. Like a runaway train that is out of control, the fast oxidizer cannot maintain health and eventually may become ill, unless the oxidation rate is slowed down. Sometimes the body moves into fast oxidation to “rush” toxins out of the body. This may need to be addressed with a good program and an understanding of what may be pushing someone into fast oxidation. The fast oxidizer needs specific supplements and dietary guidelines that diet significantly differ from that of the slow oxidizer.

The Mixed Oxidizer

A mixed oxidizer has an erratic and unstable metabolism. At times the oxidation rate is too fast, and at others, too slow. A mixed oxidizer, to achieve a higher energy level, improve health and prevent illness, must stabilize his oxidation rate. While in mixed oxidation the adrenal and thyroid gland are out of synchronization. This means that the thyroid gland may be overactive and the adrenal glands underactive, or vice versa. The dietary and sup­plemental requirements are balanced between the fast and slow oxidizer. This program can be trickier to work with, but a good practitioner can assist a mixed oxidizer on their program and watch their trends as they retest.

Balanced Oxidizer

The balanced oxidizer has the most efficient metabolism. It is neither too slow nor too fast and on a test the ratios that determine oxidation are on the brink of moving into fast. When in balanced oxidation one produces the maximum amount of usable human energy. To bring a person into a state of balanced oxidation is the real goal of a proper mineral balancing program.

Health is a Journey Not a Destination

However, we know that life is always changing and therefore we do not “arrive” at a balanced oxidation rate and simply stay there. A proper program will consistently address the changing needs of the body to continue to move the body towards balanced oxidation. Stress of any kind will affect our oxidation rate and there will be times when one’s oxidation rate moves in the wrong direction.

The good news is that there is no need to worry. As you retest, your updated report will allow a good practitioner to help you adjust your supplements, diet, and lifestyle to move you back on track. Health is a journey! Stick with it and enjoy the ride.

The entire contents of this website/article are based upon the opinions of Doreen McCafferty NLC, unless otherwise noted. Individual articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Doreen McCafferty, NLC and her community. Doreen McCafferty encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your health care professional before using products based on this content. All information in this article is for educational purposes only and not designed to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. 


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