The Truth About Healing

Let’s suppose you were considering buying an old house that been vacant and abandoned for a long time. The previous owners left it without fixing anything and all the closets and rooms were very dirty. Years of accumulated dirt filled all the nooks and crannies and the dust was so thick that you coughed each time you entered the house.

The real estate agent shows you the house and presents it to you as a home that is in “move-in” condition. She never mentions the repairs that are needed and only suggests that it might need a “light cleaning” – something that could be done in a few hours. Upon seeing the house you realize that it has potential, but it is not nearly the dream home she has presented it to be. You are outraged and disappointed, that she has not been truthful, as you realize this is no dream home but really a “fixer-upper”. 

In today’s world the medical community often leads us to believe that the symptoms we are experiencing are “fixed” but a magical pill. We are expected to believe that drugs, and miracle supplements, can cure and heal our ailments. Most conventional, and holistic doctors, do not believe, or want us to believe, that our bodies require the “right” circumstances and time to heal. No one wants us to think that we might have to “retrace” and clean out the dirt/toxins in our body before we can be well. If they do believe in the cleansing process, they often expect us to believe that it is quick and easy.

The truth is, like the dirty house, our bodies need to be cleansed. The truth is the cleansing process is not simple. The process can take time since we do not remove years of toxins and restore balance to the body overnight.

 Why do these programs fail?

There are many methods of cleansing and detoxing being promoted today. Most of them are very unsafe. Methods of “forcing” toxins out of the body can be dangerous as chelating agents force metals to dislodge from storage sites in the body, but this does not guarantee that the metals will be “eliminated”. As forced metals move from “forced” chelating methods, the metals only relocate. These metals settle in other organs and tissues causing disease and sometimes even death. The body was not strong enough to remove the metals and trying to “force” them out is extremely dangerous.

Furthermore chelating agents remove many necessary minerals and can severely deplete the body. While many health practitioners “attempt” to replace these essential minerals via an IV or supplementation. However, it is impossible to know exactly what minerals were eliminated, (and in the exact amounts), during chelation. Plus the ratio of each mineral to the others, and their synergistic energy cannot be duplicated through replacement therapy.

In summary, these methods of “speeding up” up the healing process can make us ill, deplete our energy, imbalance our essential minerals and leave us worse than when we started.

A Mineral Balancing Program works! Here’s How:

A Mineral Balancing Program is non-evasive. It is designed through a properly interpreted hair analysis to give the body the support it needs through precise recommendations of supplementation – designed specifically for each client. It is not just a “replacement” therapy program but one that understands how the body functions synergistically.

The program includes recommending a proper eating plan for each client, correct supplementation (using supplements that are assimilated), and other possible changes that need to be made for the body to become balanced and heal.

Once the body has the elements it needs to begin to function correctly, it will naturally begin to detox and heal. The process of detoxing can begin immediately upon starting the program, or it can take a little time, but either way the body will heal and detox in its unique time - when it is ready!

Like the house that needs cleaned, you would not expect to start the process without getting dirty. You wouldn’t expect to fill a bucket with water and find that the water was clear after you started cleaning.

The body works in much the same way. Once it has what it needs to begin to find vitality and balance, toxins will begin to move out of the body, and underlying deep infections will begin to be healed. You may experience healing reactions or retracings. These reactions are caused by the toxins and old infections actively moving out of the body.

The ONLY way for toxins, and old infections, to be removed safely from the body is to give the body what it needs to mobilize them. As this occurs toxins and infections travel through the blood and are excreted through all sources of elimination, such as urination, bowel movements, sweat, and saliva. Sometimes you may “feel” ill or have mild symptoms as metals and old infections are eliminated. This is a temporary condition. It will pass and you will not become ill since, on my program, your body never starts the healing process until it is ready. No forced chelated or replacement therapy!

There is No Quick Fix

A Mineral Balancing Program does include several protocols that assist with the excretion of the metals but without chelating or forcing detoxification. These protocols often lessen the intensity of healing reactions and retracings. For the body to HEAL, it must go through a healing process, just like the dirty house cannot be cleaned without some elbow grease.

If you have doctors or practitioners telling you that you can be well and healthy without going through the work that is required, they are mistaken. There is no magic pill or method that allows the body to cleanse safely without going through the process.

Wait you say – I have always eaten well and taken care of myself so therefore I cannot possibly be toxic or imbalanced! This is not true. No matter how well you eat or have cared for your body, you will enter the program with imbalances and toxicity. WE ALL DO! We live in an extremely toxic world. We live stressful lives and adrenal burnout is rampart. Everyone enters the program with imbalances, toxicity, and burnout BUT everyone can have a program designed for their unique needs that will bring them into balance and closer to better health.

The truth is that the process is a journey. We need to seek balance and health and then we must continue to work to maintain it.

The choice is yours. You can continue to try all the latest fads and remedies, or face the truth and start healing your body through a Mineral Balancing Program. You may want to believe there is an easier way but in your heart you know what you need to do. You can run from the work and “hope” you won’t get ill, (or more ill than you may already be), or you can start healing your body today.

Visit the Services Store to purchase your Hair Mineral Analysis and Program today.




Toxins: Sources and Symptoms