Water and Intracellular Hydration
Discover why you are dehydrated even though you may be drinking plenty of water and learn what you can do to correct this issue. To heal, detox and find optimal wellness your cells must be adequately hydrated. Watch the video on tips to fix intracellular dehydration.
Replacement Therapy and Mineral Balancing – Everything You Need to Know
Discover why using Replacement Therapy when working with a Mineral Balancing Program is not effective. Understanding the synergy of minerals and their interaction to each other and other bodily systems is crucial to developing an effective Mineral Balancing Program for all clients. Learn more!
Sun Exposure and Vitamin D
Sunrise on Cocoa Beach - Learn the importance of sun exposure in healing and maintaining optimal wellness.
Homemade Face and Body Moisturizer
Three simple ingredients are used to make a healing and all-natural skin care moisturizer. Great for the face and the entire body. Completely organic and free of chemicals, plus it is much less expensive than other pricey skin care products. Plus it only takes minutes to make.
Guidelines for Cutting HTMA Hair Samples
Analystic Research Labs detailed guidelines for cutting hair for an Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis
General Rules for Eating
This guide is not dietary advice but simple, general rules for that will help you create a relaxing environment that is beneficial for anyone. Following these general guidelines can improve digestion and are important in the healing process.
What is Glycine and it Can Protect you from Glyphosate - (Part 2)
Glycine is powerful in detoxifying the body from many things, including glyphosate when taken as directed in this article which was updated in September 2024 based on the latest research.
Seasonal Eating Plan
This Seasonal Eating Plan is the beginning of your journey on a Mineral Balancing Program, outline some basic guidelines for eating. It is not the end-all as I often individualize clients eating plans to meet special needs but this is a good starting point.