Healing from Trauma Part 1

This is a two-part series in which I will discuss trauma. Listen to the attached video for a summary of this article.

Part 1 - 10 Minute Video on Trauma

Is the first series I will address the primary reason I believe we have a difficult time healing from trauma. In the second series I will offer a path you can follow to begin healing from trauma.

While some people are aware of trauma, (past or present), in their lives, others think they have none. Being aware is important since you cannot begin to work on any issue unless you know it is present. If you are aware, you have taken the first step.

If you are of the belief that you feel fine and cannot identify any trauma, past or present, in your life we need to talk. It is important to shift your paradigm and accept that we all have traumas. Before you can heal of trauma, you have to become aware of trauma and desire to heal. Trauma healing is a deep level of healing and extremely important.

Furthermore, you may think that if you are not aware of any trauma, then why do you need to deal with it? And that’s a great question which needs to be answered.

If you are unaware of your personal trauma, it is because you have not allowed yourself to think about it, “normalized” or “minimalized” the trauma, or buried it. Any of these options are dangerous since all disease is linked to some degree to your emotional well-being and trauma and is rooted in the mind.

Even if you have not manifested a disease, the path to prevention of future disease involves managing trauma and the sooner, the better.

 Here’s the universal reason why many people, whether they know, or are unaware of their trauma, are unable to heal from it.

The body is imbalanced and unable to process anything. In other words, you are on overload and your body is working overtime to keep all systems of the body running to maintain life. Most people live in this state in today’s world.

Our bodies are consistently working to maintain life and seek homeostasis. If a person has good mineral balance, this process does not overwork the body. However, most people are minerally imbalanced and highly toxic which creates an environment where the body cannot find enough energy to efficiently maintain life, let alone work through your other issues, like trauma. Healing from these deep emotional, spiritual, and mental issues must take a back seat as are energy is used to keep us “alive” physically. This is not ideal and does not promote holistic healing.

In over 15 years of practicing mineral balancing, I find that clients usually begin healing on a physical level before other deeper healing occurs. Once a client is balanced and able to detox, the body has more energy which allows these deeper issues to surface.

Often a client can be on a program for a year, or even years, before they begin having deep clarity and trauma healing experiences. When the trauma begins to heal, it can be alarming to clients who have no idea why this is occurring. Suddenly, like peeling back layers of an onion, a client will recall a trauma they had forgotten. Or he or she may simply begin feeling a trauma that they had kept buried as it surfaces and begins healing. This is not only normal but good! It is an emotional “healing reaction” and it can be addressed.

I have helped many clients through this stage of healing! It is extremely important since I want clients to heal of current disease/ailments but also want to help them with prevention of future disease. As I shared, all disease has a component attached to the mind, hence the reason I do holistic work. Everything is connected - body and mind. One cannot heal completely until trauma, and/or emotional, mental and spiritual issues are addressed.

Once a client is balanced and able to detox, the body has more energy which allows these deeper issues to surface.

If you have been through many types of counseling and trauma healing programs, only to find you cannot seem to get past the trauma, it may be due to the fact you missed the first step. The first step is to follow a Mineral Balancing program that brings the body to homeostasis and gives you the energy to heal other issues. More on the process of healing trauma in the second series of Healing Trauma. Stay tuned.

The entire contents of this website/article are based upon the opinions of Doreen McCafferty NLC, unless otherwise noted. Individual articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Doreen McCafferty, NLC and her community. Doreen McCafferty encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your health care professional before using products based on this content. All information in this article is for educational purposes only and not designed to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. 


How to Heal from Trauma - Part 2


Symptoms – The Truth about Symptoms