Symptoms – The Truth about Symptoms

Check out this Video/Audio for more Information.

Let’s start by understanding the biggest mistake we make when we think about symptoms.

The absence of symptoms is not an indicator of good health.

If you are not experiencing symptoms, it does not mean that you are well, healthy, or balanced.

Symptoms appear only as the last step before disease is diagnosable. Waiting until you do not feel well to ask for help puts you in the worst-case scenario where you become trapped in the world of diagnosing disease and treatments that involve medications or herbal remedies, but never gets to the root cause of an issue. This happens because once you have symptoms, you end up at the doctor’s office and this is where the fun begins. (Pun intended).

Dr. William Osler said:

“The person who takes medicine must recover twice. Once from the disease and once from the medicine”. He also said, “The good physician treats the disease: the great physician treats the patient who has the disease”.

In my practice I work with the client to bring the body into homeostasis, treating the patient who has the disease. In the perfect state of homeostasis disease does not exist as the body has exactly what it needs to function. When the body has what it needs to function, it heals from disease and/or remains healthy.

However, while bringing the body into homeostasis it is common for symptoms to appear, known as healing reactions. These symptoms, or healing reactions, are signs that the body is detoxing and/or removing underlying infections that if left to their own devices eventually cause disease and even serious illness.

Here are the two biggest reasons why you must balance your body.

1.      When the body is imbalanced it is unable to detox from toxins. Overtime toxins that remain stored in the body create illness, including some serious issues such as cancer, diabetes, and other diseases that no one wishes to experience. Most of us were born with a lot of toxicity. Furthermore, we live in an extremely toxic world and have constant exposure to a plethora of toxins. We must balance our body, so we have what we need energetically to detox from these life-threatening toxins. And it is essential that we detox in a safe manner, or we risk becoming ill from the detoxification process. More on this later.

2.      Underlying infections can wreak havoc on organs and systems in the body, creating inflammation that leads to illness and disease. These underlying infections also need to be addressed for the body to heal. Underlying infections can lie dormant but do lots of damage while they “hideout” in the body. We must have enough energy to remove these hidden infections so we can heal and prevent future illness.

Traditional medicine, and even holistic modalities, often cover up issues to simply make someone “feel” better. In other words, the goal of most conventional and holistic practices is to implement a “treatment” plan. Conventional medicine uses many harmful “drugs” to cover up symptoms, while holistic modalities use herbal or homeopathic remedies to address symptoms. While the holistic approach may be less toxic than conventional treatment, neither work to heal or prevent future illness. Let’s look at why.

As I create a program to bring someone into balance, it is common for toxins to begin to eliminate and underlying infections to clear. This can create symptoms, better known as healing reactions! These healing reactions are signs that the body is working and healing, not that one is sick.

However, in today’s world, we think of anything that makes us feel “bad” as something we need to stop immediately. While no one wants to feel badly, it is necessary to understand that the body is doing amazing work that will truly create real healing and prevent illness as it releases toxins and removes infections. And while this process does not always feel good you need to ask yourself if you want to rid yourself of toxins and infections or cover them up with medications and remedies.

If your goal is to be heal, become healthy, prevent future illness, and find optimal wellness then you want to eliminate toxins and infections. Therefore, being grateful for your healing reactions is the best way to deal with the healing process.

Most programs are constantly providing patients with some “band aid” to help whatever symptoms they experience go away. However, this approach completely interferes with the healing process. Now the body stops healing and detoxing, and while the symptoms appear to be gone, the body is no longer healing. The problem is that the real issue is not really gone and eventually the symptoms will return, and often with a vengeance. Temporary relief of symptoms is not the answer.

Anyone who has trusted conventional medicine understands how this works! You take a medication for an issue, and then a few weeks later you need to take another medication to address another problem caused by the first medication, and so on. The list of medications most people are taking is ridiculous. And this can apply to natural herbs and homeopathic products too.

Allowing the body to go through the healing process allows the disease or illness to be addressed at the root cause which can heal the body permanently.

Now, this doesn’t mean that I do not help people suffering from “intense” healing reactions by “slowing” down the healing or detoxification process when, and if, needed. I have been through some extremely uncomfortable healing reactions, so I speak from personal experience. When I am going through these healing phases, I remind myself that I am healing permanently and preventing my body from developing serious illnesses in the future.

I went through a difficult healing process when I chose to heal my thyroid naturally and stopped taking all medications, (even though they were natural), that my functional medicine doctor had prescribed. After years of working with him, I realized that I was not healing my thyroid, but rather causing my thyroid to stop working altogether. If you put thyroid hormones, natural or not, into the body, why would your thyroid continue to produce hormones? The answer is it doesn’t. Your thyroid stops working and becomes lazy and you become reliant on drugs to function. This was not how I wanted to live. I wanted a working thyroid and through my healing program, including proper supplementation, I was able to repair my thyroid, so it worked again – no more natural medications!

Stop looking for a quick fix to your “symptoms” and begin a journey that will help you heal and prevent disease. Even though you may experience healing reactions on the journey, over time you will feel better as you heal and find optimal wellness! Healing reactions do not last forever. They may come and go, but in the end, they are clearing out the “junk” and are necessary for one to find wellness.

The best approach to healing is to use less intervention and let the body do what it needs to do. We just need to give our body the balance needed to repair and then get out of the way!

My program gives your body what it needs to detox and clear infections. Once your body has the energy and correct minerals it needs to function it will begin to detox and heal on its own. And as you heal, I am here to help you as needed. If symptoms arise, or become severe, I can help, and you can always rest assured that the program will never push your body to do anything it is not ready to do! As you have what you need on the program, your body will do the work it needs to do in its own time.

You should not attempt to detox or heal without guidance. Detoxing improperly can make you extremely ill. Chelation and other therapies can cause more harm than good, especially to an already weak body that is not able to handle forceful intervention. I have worked with hundreds of clients who became ill from these interventions.

Contact me today to learn how you can start a Mineral Balancing Program and find healing and optimal wellness.

The entire contents of this website/article are based upon the opinions of Doreen McCafferty NLC, unless otherwise noted. Individual articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Doreen McCafferty, NLC and her community. Doreen McCafferty encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your health care professional before using products based on this content. All information in this article is for educational purposes only and not designed to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. 


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