Why a Mineral Balancing Program works while other Programs Fail

Maintaining homeostasis is the healing method used by the body. 

Starting and maintaining a proper Mineral Balancing Program promotes healing and health by moving the body towards homeostasis. Your body receives exactly what it needs when you take the proper supplements. Supplementation is recommended based on your unique Hair Tissue Mineral results. Retesting in a timely manner allows changes to be made to your program to adjust to the changes your body has made and keep you on the path to homeostasis.

Homeostasis refers to any process that living things use to actively maintain stable conditions necessary for survival.

The goal of maintaining homeostasis is important because it allows the body to always maximize energy efficiency.

When retesting and updating the program properly, healing continues to take place at very deep levels. Over time symptoms, illness, and disease can naturally resolve on their own.

Bloodwork, saliva, and urine testing do not work to balance minerals. Blood, saliva, and urine are too unstable, always changing, and only show a snapshot of what is in the body at the time it is collected. Hair is a picture of what is in the cells and has been in the cells for several months This is a deeper look into the body and addresses issues on the cellular level.

Why remedies are not the correct way to heal the body. Most practitioners and doctors use a “treat to cure” approach to heal the body. This method leads the practitioner to look at a symptom and then diagnose the symptom as an illness. However, this does not actually cure the issue. It may temporarily relieve the symptom but often, the symptom will return and with a vengeance.

To “cure” an illness or disease, the body needs to become balanced and move towards homeostasis. If the body is in a perfect state of homeostasis, it would heal and stay well. However, we know due to many lifestyle and other factors, that our bodies are often imbalanced.

For example, we all have cancer cells. However, if we are healthy and balanced, all systems of our body are working well, and these cells never proliferate.

Furthermore, many symptoms are related to a variety of diseases and finding the “cause” can be impossible. A symptom like fatigue can come from a plethora of issues and treating fatigue with a remedy or stimulant may create more imbalances, while moving the body further away from homeostasis.

Symptoms also may be related to more than one issue/disease, which is true in most cases. The inability to diagnose a symptom and give it a “name” does not mean it is not real. Often symptoms are not severe enough to be diagnosable, or a physician needs to run a battery of different tests to “find” something that “sticks”. In many cases, all this is unnecessary.

From personal experience, I know that even natural doctors can disrupt homeostasis and harm systems in the body. Under the care of an integrative doctor, I took “natural” thyroid hormones for years until I began wondering if my thyroid was functioning at all. I learned the hard way that the replacement hormones had shut down the ability for my own thyroid to work on its own. This created a lot of issues that I eventually healed through a Mineral Balancing program.  

Other issues with a “treatment” approach to healing:

·       Too much guessing when, as previously stated, there can be many illnesses related to any given symptom.

·       The treatment creates imbalances in the entire body driving one away from homeostasis and eventually to poorer health.

·       Some remedies have side effects and can be toxic.

·       Some remedies are prescribed for years, and even for life.

·       The treatment plan is very expensive especially as one’s health becomes worse, and more intervention is sought. The care and remedies can be costly.

·       Some people become reliant on medical systems and services. The system is designed to keep you coming back and some people begin to think they cannot live without continual trips to doctors and hospitals. This teaches us that we cannot heal, forgetting the amazing ability of our bodies to heal themselves when given what they need!

·       Some people identify with their disease and forget that they can overcome many diseases naturally, even diabetes, chronic fatigue, and others. For example, the medical system wants you to think that you are now a “diabetic”, and you will be a “diabetic” forever. You are now in the system, on medications, and never taught there are alternative ways to heal!

Furthermore, homeostasis puts the entire body in harmony. Balancing the minerals in the body allows every system of the body to function as intended! The path to healing needs to be addressed holistically. Emotions, environmental factors, and other lifestyle habits need to be addressed when assisting someone with a proper Mineral Balancing program. These lifestyle habits can cause the body to leach, or hold on to minerals, creating imbalances too. A good program is not a mineral “replacement” program as this will not balance the body.  

The good news is that there is an effective and affordable method to balance and heal the body and find optimal wellness and energy. You can live your best life and you can start today!

The entire contents of this website/article are based upon the opinions of Doreen McCafferty NLC, unless otherwise noted. Individual articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Doreen McCafferty, NLC and her community. Doreen McCafferty encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your health care professional before using products based on this content. All information in this article is for educational purposes only and not designed to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. 


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