Motivation - Finding and Keeping your Momentum

Read this article and watch the Motivation and Momentum Video.

Let’s talk about motivation and momentum as it refers to your health. Often the results you are waiting for are just around the corner!

Before you continue, grab a pencil and paper as you will need it moving forward.

To begin, let’s identify what obstacles prevent you from making health a priority so you can become equipped to face and conquer your opponent. Start by looking at what is standing in the way.

1.  What keeps you from getting started on journey to healing and wellness, in particular a good Mineral Balancing Program? Make a list of all the reasons, including excuses that are keeping you from your health goals.

2.  If you are a Mineral Program - drop out - identify why you gave up. Where and why did you lose your motivation? Write it down.

Now let’s see if I can help you clarify what takes you out of “your” game.

1.  Healing Reactions – If you do not understand healing/detox reactions, you may think you are “ill” when you are getting well! These reactions often look, or feel, like symptoms of illness. If you neglect to talk to your practitioner, or become educated, in how the healing reactions work, you may have given up hope due to a lack of understanding in how the healing process works.

2.  Habits – Often you need to develop healthy habits that you can do regularly. There are two mistakes we often make when we start a new program. Mistake One: we do too much, too quickly and cannot maintain the changes we are trying to implement. Mistake Two: we live in the “land of good intentions” but never make time to do any of the program. When life is chaotic and there is no consistency, it can be easy for actions not to follow intentions. Both can be catastrophic to our health.

The solution is to start slowly and consistently, over time, developing habits that can be maintained on a regular schedule.

Once you have your program, start by creating one healthy habit! After that habit has become a natural part of your routine, add another. This slow and steady progress, (one habit at a time), will keep you from being overwhelmed and allow you to create a healthy routine!

3.  Special Occasions - Holidays and celebrations are a beautiful part of life. Set aside time to celebrate these special occasions but have a “planned” date to return to a healthy daily routine. Special occasions only become a problem when they are never-ending.    

4. Staying Motivated – Everyday life can get in the way, and we lose our momentum. This is especially true if we are not self- motivated or self-disciplined, but this can happen to anyone who is not “checking” in. By checking in, I am referring to contacting your practitioner for support between tests, if needed. Emails or phone calls can help keep you on track when you need a nudge.

Also, retesting on time is crucial. Retesting provides your practitioner with information that is needed to update your program, but also provides an opportunity to for your practitioner to encourage and support you– keeping you motivated!

Please send me any feedback or questions you have on this article and video.

I look forward to working with you! Please contact me if you have any questions about becoming a client or maintaining your Mineral Balancing program.

Please listen to the video for a personal story about how lithium orotate may stop your brain from looping! What’s looping – listen to the video to find out.

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The entire contents of this website/article are based upon the opinions of Doreen McCafferty NLC, unless otherwise noted. Individual articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Doreen McCafferty, NLC and her community. Doreen McCafferty encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your health care professional before using products based on this content. All information in this article is for educational purposes only and not designed to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. 


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