Juuva TruSilvr

TRUSILVR is the most effective tool to maintain, sustain and support your immune defenses by reducing the workload placed on your immune system.


Benefits of Juuva Trusilvr:

  • Safe for long-term use. While colloidal silver is acidic, Juuva Trusilvr is alkaline and safe for daily use.

  • Highly absorbable and used by the body’s cells.

  • Supports immune function by reducing the stress and burden on the immune system.

  • Promotes healthy cell growth.

  • Fends off infections.

Here are the details:

Many people in the holistic world are familiar with colloidal silver but most have never heard of structured silver. Discovering Juuva Trusilvr structured silver has changed my life, and the life of my clients, in countless ways.

Both structured and colloidal silver are considered to be natural antibiotics, a disinfectant and sanitizer, and killers of bacteria, funguses and pathogens. Juuva Trusilvr is a structured silver that heals the gut and only attacks the bad bacteria. Yes, that is right – it does not harm the good guys!

Plus, did you know that Juuva Trusilvr works like colloidal silver on steroids? Structured silver is comprised of four silver molecules and bonded with oxygen and hydrogen molecules via a specific electrical charge. It merges with other structured silver particles and passes the electrons that it steals amongst its greater structure. Juuva Trusilvr even places stolen electrons on the Oxygen and hydrogen molecule which are attached to it. In this way, one structured particle can steal electrons from dozens of bad bacteria, improving the condition of your gut health because the structured silver water in your body is always active. 

The colloidal silver molecule acts in a similar way but is limited as it can only steal one electron from one bacterium. Once it steals that electron it is done and becomes inert. Colloidal silver can still magnetically attract viruses but has less magnetic charge and a smaller surface area than the structured particles.

You can also take Juuva Trusilvr while taking antibiotics!

In the past, when clients were taking antibiotics, they were not able to take colloidal silver as taking both colloidal silver and an antibiotic at the same time causes neither to work. Clients had to choose whether they wanted to take an antibiotic prescribed by their doctor or take colloidal silver. For many this posed a dilemma especially since colloidal silver can take longer to work and doctors often scoff at the idea that colloidal silver works at all.

My Mom was ill the last part of her life and had been prescribed antibiotics continually. She became resistant to antibiotics and eventually none of them worked. However, I gave her Juuva structured silver while she continued to take the prescribed antibiotics. The Juuva silver would kill whatever the antibiotics “missed” and allowed her to live the last year of her life without ever returning to the hospital. This was her biggest priority and to this day I am so thankful that she was able to die at home.  

Recently I had an infected gum. While I take Juuva Trusilvr daily to repair my gut and heal underlying infections, (which we all have), I decided to take extra while my gum was infected. I gargled with Juuva Trusilvr several times a day, and then swallowed it. I also applied the Juuva Trusilvr gel to my gum directly several times a day. Within a few days, the gum infection was gone. No antibiotic needed! In fact, I haven’t taken an antibiotic in years.

Most everyone following a good Mineral Balancing program has had to deal with healing reactions as they body clears infections. Using Juuva makes this process much easier to manage, clearing infections faster and more effectively than any other method I have used.

Juuva is superior to colloidal silver and other structured silvers. Visit this link Juuva.com and use my ID – 183875 - to purchase Juuva Trusilvr.

The entire contents of this website/article are based upon the opinions of Doreen McCafferty NLC, unless otherwise noted. Individual articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Doreen McCafferty, NLC and her community. Doreen McCafferty encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your health care professional before using products based on this content. All information in this article is for educational purposes only and not designed to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. 


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