Why Everyone Should Have a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Before eating another meal, taking ANY supplements, or beginning a detoxification program.

Do you or anyone you know experience any of the following:

  • Heart disease

  • Muscle aches and pains

  • Unexplained weight loss or weight gain

  • Osteoporosis

  • Skin and hair problems

  • Thyroid dysfunction

  • Digestive disorders

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome

  • High blood pressure

  • ADD and ADHD

  • Lack of energy/stamina

  • Diabetes or sugar imbalances

  • Inability to focus/concentrate

Does your doctor tell you that you are fine even though you “feel” lousy?

Do you want more energy to do daily activities and enjoy life so you always feel on top of your game?

If you answered yes to any of the above, or you are just a preventative alternative medicine advocate, continue reading this important information.

How would you like to address these issues without the use of drugs? What would you say if I told you I can help you find answers to many of your health issues, from fatigue to insomnia, to more serious issues including THYROID AND ADRENAL BURNOUT by adjusting your nutrients through diet, lifestyle and proper supplementation?

What if I told you that by properly balancing your body’s nutrients, eliminating oxidative stress, and addressing your toxicity levels through a properly designed eating plan, correct supplementation, non-invasive natural detox protocols, and healthy lifestyle choices, you could increase your energy levels and possibly prevent serious illnesses such as cancer? Well read on, because your body holds the answers.

Your hair holds secrets you need to know! Secrets of what is happening at the cellular level of the body.  It’s hard to believe that those strands on top of your head can be so revealing. Even blood, for all its powerful diagnosing properties, can be a red herring. It simply doesn’t reveal some of the life altering secrets of your body that the hair can.

If you have a blood test or urine test it will only show you your body’s mineral levels at the time of the test, that’s it. For example, Let’s say you eat a banana on or around the time of your blood test. The test may reveal a high potassium level, which can skew your results and show an adequate level of potassium exists, when in reality you may be potassium deficient. This could happen for any number of foods and dietary needs.

On the other hand, when you have a Hair Mineral Tissue Analysis it will give you your overall level of potassium – your ACTUAL storage levels over a period of time, not just a reflection of your recent diet for the day or week.

See what I mean? Blood, urine and saliva tests can really miss the boat when it comes to balancing your body’s minerals and determining your toxicity levels. Blood will rob minerals from the cells to attempt to maintain homeostasis. So blood tests can often look great when in essence the body is being robbed of essential minerals at the cellular level. And urine and saliva provide the same type of misleading information. A Hair Mineral Analysis reveals what is happening at the cellular level, which is a deeper level than what blood is able to measure.

Having the right balance of essential nutrients, and allowing the body to remove deadly toxins, is the key to finding vitality. The key to this information lies in your hair.

When I know the toxicity levels in your body, the nutritional deficiencies, and mineral imbalances that are happening to you right now, I can help you take the right steps to achieve optimum health. And all this information can be discovered in an inexpensive and painless test called a Hair Mineral Analysis.

The results are like pieces of a puzzle and I put them together for you so you can find optimal wellness. The recommendations I give you are just for you and completely individualized! They come from carefully analyzing your results and determining what your body needs. For example:

  • Did you know there are THREE types of metabolisms, also called oxidation rates, – (fast, slow and mixed) and then several variations of each of each of these metabolic rates?

  • Did you know that your eating plan needs to be developed around your own personal metabolic rate and your unique relationship to food?

  • Did you know that you you cannot determine your metabolic rate by just looking at your weight or how you feel?

  • Did you know that a Hair Mineral Analysis will reveal your metabolic rate allowing me to develop the proper eating plan and supplement program for you – your own Mineral Balancing Program?

  • Did you know a hair analysis from Holistic Wellness From Within includes a Mineral Balancing Program designed to restore adrenal and thyroid function, help you find more energy, prevent illness, heal and regain your health?

Do you stil have more questions?