My Story
How I healed naturally healed my Thyroid and Adrenals
Healing the Thyroid and Adrenals
Let me share my personal story of why I do what I do and why I know it works.
I was entering middle age when I first discovered alternative health, after years of being completely consumed by fitness and working in the fitness industry in every position conceivable, from training to managing facilities.
During a training at a fitness convention I stumbled upon a presenter, Paul Chek. He was eccentric, esoteric and everything he said resonated within me. All of what he shared was new to me and I couldn’t get enough of his teaching. After the conference, I traveled from New Jersey to California to become a Certified Chek Lifestyle Coach. My education started here but has never stopped. To this day research is essential to my business as I continue to learn and adapt my programs to better serve clients.
Shortly after I became certified I began seeing an Integrative Medicine doctor who, through bloodwork, determined that my thyroid was not working properly. He recommended a “natural” medication called Armour Thyroid to fix my problem and through repairing my thyroid I could expect to have improved adrenal function too.
I noticed I had lots of energy on the thyroid medication. I was no longer tired and I seemed to feel better so I figured everything was improving.
Upon regular visits to my Integrative doctor, I would have routine bloodwork and my medication would be adjusted. At first I was not concerned about taking the medication because it was “natural”. However, after several years of working with my doctor, I began to become concerned about being on medication for “life”, even if it was natural. He had suggested that I would need the Armour Thyroid medication, and possibly other “natural” hormones as I aged.
I also began to notice that the energy I had felt "manufactured”, almost as if it was not natural. When I was honest with myself, I realized I had begun to feel “wired and tired” which lead me to delve deeper into research on thyroid and adrenal issues.
Through my research I discovered the dangers of using any medications to address thyroid and adrenal health. I discovered that when any hormone was taken into the body, the gland or system that produced that hormone would become lazy and often stop working. In other words, why would my thyroid produce hormones on its own when the hormones were already present? In fact, my first HTMA indicated that my thyroid I had jumped into hyperthyroidism, rather than hypothyroidism. This issue was created from the medication I had taken causing me to show signs of an overactive thyroid.
Furthermore, hormone production is unique to each individual and there is no way any doctor can tell you how much of any hormones to take, or when exactly to take the hormone on a daily basis. Our body determines how much and when to create hormones on its own schedule and that varies from day to day!
Next I learned that blood work was very inaccurate in detecting thyroid issues since blood tests miss and misdiagnose many thyroid issues as discussed in this article - Understanding Thyroid Activity.
This concerned me. I was looking to heal my thyroid and adrenals, not create further dysfunctional thyroid and adrenal activity.
Through further research, I discovered Analytical Research Laboratories and studied their approach to healing through the amazing work of Paul Eck.
By implementing the correct protocol for thyroid and adrenal healing and by understanding the proper interpretation of the HTMA report my health was restored. “General” information on the internet is useless without a proper interpretation and an accurately designed program based your personal HTMA report. Done correctly, this determines what you can safely implement to heal your thyroid and adrenals. The Mineral and Nutritional Balancing Program saved my life! This program is truly special!
While the HTMA is an excellent tool for healing and preventing all disease, I am especially excited to help those with thyroid and adrenal issues.
Visit my contact page for a free consultation. Always contact me with any questions or concerns you have via email or phone.

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