Safe Water Guide

I probably do not need to tell you that tap, and many other sources or water, are not safe to drink or shower and bathe in.

This article will help you decide what type of water you want to drink, and which option is best for you and your family.

Let’s start by looking at some ways you can make any drinking water more energetic and hydrating. I do both of the following:

1.      Add Ion Biome to your water. Learn more about the need to bring energy to your water with this interview with Dr. Zak Bush.

2.      Use a water wand to energize water.


Pure Spring Water – Your best option is to find a local spring in your area. The link provided can help you look for a local spring. If a spring is relatively close and you can easily transport water, this would be your best bet. Information on the benefits of local spring water and how to collect it are available at this site too.


Great tasting fresh water.

Minerally balanced.

Very hydrating.

100% Natural


Locating a spring may be problematic.

Transporting the water is cumbersome.

Berkey Water Filter –Berkey systems are water purifiers because they remove 99.999% of viruses and bacteria without using chemicals. A Berkey water system uses carbon filters and what is known as a micro-filtration and ionic absorption method to filter water. Fluoride filters are also available if you are filtering tap water which has been fluoridated. You should perform a red dye test to assure your filters are installed correctly and continue to perform this test every 3 to 6 months to make sure the filters are working. Berkey will prorate the cost of replacing filters if you filters need replacement before the warranty has expired.


Filters have a long- life and replacement costs may be prorated. Typically, filters are able to filter 6,000 gallons of water before being replaced – (for the average family the filters last 2 years)

Stainless steel construction.

You can clean and test the filters.

Removes fluoride and arsenic but does not remove other minerals.

Portable and can be used in an apartment.

Different size Berkey systems to meet your needs.

Can filter any water source, making Berkey’s a good back up water in case of an emergency.


Expensive upfront costs for initial system.

Takes up space on the counter or in a pantry.

Must be refilled regularly.

Other Carbon Filter Pitchers – Pur and Britta offer pitchers that use carbon filters to remove contaminants from water. However, Britta has been shown to only remove lead, leaving many other harmful toxins in the water. Pur is a better option, filtering out more toxins than Britta, but not nearly as effective as a Berkey system. If you can only afford a carbon filtered pitcher, use Pur and remember that the filters will need changed often. This results in a higher overall cost than a Berkey since Berkey filters last much longer.


Inexpensive to purchase.

Easy to maintain.


Filters need replaced often resulting in higher cost to maintain over time than a Berkey system.

Overall, less effective at filtering water than a Berkey.

Bottled Spring Water – (store bought or delivered) – Bottled water is not regulated and therefore only recommend bottled water if you have done your homework. Look for independent studies that test and verify the purity of different brands of spring water before settling on this option.


Spring water may contain minerals.

Spring water have a natural taste.

Is easily available in local stores.

 Convenient when delivered, especially in glass dispensers.


Lack of regulation may mean spring water is contaminated with metals or impurities.

Most spring water is available in plastic bottles which may leach toxins into the water.

Spring water in plastic bottles may have been transported long distances in hot trucks further contaminating the water before it makes it to your local supermarket.

The plastic bottles are wasteful and must be thrown out.


Distilled Water – Through the distillation process of water all contaminants are removed. However, so are minerals. While distilled water may be used for someone during a detoxification process, long-term use of distilled water can deplete the body of minerals. As a Hair Mineral Analysis Practitioner, I would review my client’s report to determine if distilled water was a safe alternative to drink for short-term use. Some add minerals to distilled water, but it is impossible to create a mineralized water with the exact minerals found in nature. Avoid using distilled water unless you have been advised to do so by your practitioner.


Purified Water, Reverse Osmosis, and other Fancy Water – I do not recommend any of these sources of water. The reason being is that purified and reverse osmosis water have removed contaminants and minerals from the water making the water “dead”. Water that is not energetic cannot hydrate the body. As for the fancy waters with added electrolytes and other supposedly super minerals are overpriced and not as hydrating as the other sources shared in this article. Drinking clean water as close to “natural” as possible is a better option.


Whole House Filters – There are a load of different types of whole house filters. Many utilize some of the methods I have shared above and therefore should be avoided. While I am not an expert on whole house systems, I would advise you to consider a system that delivers clean but mineralized water to your home. Do your research and please contact me if you need assistance.


Shower Filters – Since I live in an apartment, I have a shower filter in my bathroom. If you have a whole house filtration system, a shower filter is not needed. There are many great options for portable systems that are easily installed. Here are just a few:


Berkey Shower Filter

Mercola Pure and Clear Shower Filters

Aquasana Shower Filters

The entire contents of this website/article are based upon the opinions of Doreen McCafferty NLC, unless otherwise noted. Individual articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Doreen McCafferty, NLC and her community. Doreen McCafferty encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your health care professional before using products based on this content. All information in this article is for educational purposes only and not designed to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. 


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