Remedies and Illness Care


Most of the time your Mineral Balancing Program is all you need to follow but you may benefit by adding some prophylaxis care when dealing with a sick family or exposure.

You will find all the links to purchase the products discussed in this article here:

Healing Resource Links

 Always contact me for specific directions as to what you need as I will customize your protocol based on your MB program. 

  1. Quercetin – 250 to 500 mg Twice a day. Quercetin works to affect the cells so that zinc can enter the cell and attack the virus. Look for Quercetin online or at health food stores.

  2. Endomet Zinc – Take 2 tablets, one in the AM and one at night. If you are already taking Zinc on your program, you may want to add extra. If you are taking Limcomin, you should add the Zinc and add two additional Limcomin tablets to your daily program. This will keep your NA/K moving in the right direction.

  3. Endomet A-C - Take the Endomet Vitamin C two times a day. This C from Endomet has additional minerals, including vitamin A palmitate– all help boost the immune system. Endo A-C has 333.30 mg of C in one tablet.

  4. Just Thrive K2-7 with Vitamin D 5000 IU and up to 10,000.  One 5,000 IU a day if you are getting plenty of sunshine. You can add an extra D during the winter, (2- 5000 IU capsules), or if you do not get lots of sunshine. The best way to be certain you are getting adequate D is through a finger prick blood test. You can order a D test at Omegaquant.

  5. Use the Nebulizer one to two times a day.

  6. Juuva Silver - Take Juuva Silver once or twice a day (or as recommended) – one to two teaspoons in the morning and again in the evening. Gargle with silver before swallowing to help remove infections, viruses, and bacteria from the throat. You can rinse the eyes, nose, and outer ear canals with Juuva Silver.

  7. Sea Salt and Nettie Pot- Add a pinch of sea salt to a nasal squirt bottle and squirt it into your nostrils. You can also use a Nettie pot to rinse out the nasal passages. Add a pinch of salt to the Nettie pot and use filtered spring or distilled water in the Nettie.


If you become ill, you can follow the prophylaxis suggestions for mild symptoms. For severe cases, make these adjustments and contact me for specific recommendations.

  1. Quercetin – 500 mg twice a day.

  2. Endomet Zinc – Take 2 tablets three times a day. If you are already taking Zinc on your program, you may want to add extra, or contact me for assistance. If you are taking Limcomin, add the Zinc and add 6 additional Limcomin tablets to your daily program. This will keep your Na/K ratio moving in the right direction.

  3. Endomet A-C - Take the Endomet Vitamin A-C as directed 9 to 10 times a day for approximately one week. This A-C from Endomet has additional minerals, including vitamin A palmitate– all help boost the immune system. Endo A-C has 333.30 mg of C in one tablet.

  4. Just Thrive K2-7 with Vitamin D - “Hammer” - 1-time 50,000 IU dose of vitamin D3 or 10 000 IU 3 times daily for 2 to 3 days. This is a lot of Vitamin D and is only taken for 2 to 3 days if you have severe symptoms.

  5. Endomet Limcomin – Add Limcomin to your Mineral Balancing Program at 3/3/3 per day, (or as recommended). If you are already taking Limcomin, up the amount as recommended to 3/3/3. If you are taking zinc on your program, add the Limcomin at 2/2/2 and contact me so I can adjust your program.

  6. Use the Nebulizer three times a day, or every hour if needed.

  7. Juuva Silver- Take Juuva Silver at least three times a day. Gargle with silver before swallowing to help remove infections, viruses, and bacteria from the throat. You can rinse the eyes, nose, and outer ear canals with Juuva Silver.

  8. Sea Salt and Nettie Pot- Add a pinch of sea salt to a nasal squirt bottle and squirt it into your nostrils. You can also use a Nettie pot to rinse out the nasal passages. Add a pinch of salt to the Nettie pot and use filtered spring or distilled water in the Nettie.


  1. Near Infrared Light or Sauna – Please use the Near Infrared Light over the lungs and liver area. You can also use it on the back. Once or twice a day for 10 to 20 minutes is great, but if you become ill increase usage to 3 to 4 times a day. The same applies to using the Near Infrared Sauna and you can stay in the Sauna for 60 minutes. Directions for how to use both are on my site. Contact me if you need the promo code for the discount on the Sauna Light Panel. Most importantly remember you need NEAR infrared light therapy, not Far infrared Saunas. You can easily make a simple Near Infrared Sauna with the Sauna Light panel by putting in the shower area. Visit my site for details.

  2. Eat Right! - Eat your veggies and avoid sugar and all processed foods which weaken the immune system.

  3. Sleep - Get plenty of sleep – at least 8 hours and go to bed early enough to get restorative sleep – by 10 PM if possible.

  4. Move – Your lymphatic system needs movement to work effectively. A little rebounding is great. If you do not have a rebounder, some light exercise in home is excellent too. Yoga is great too – and can help with anxiety.

  5. Meditate – We need to stay grounded. Meditation will help quiet the mind and shut off the Sympathetic Nervous system.

  6. Wash your hands – Keep your hands clean. Please wash your hands with a safe soap! Do not use antibacterial soaps as they will kill the bacteria on your skin and in your gut, weakening your immune system. You can visit EWG (Click here) to see which soaps are safe. I like the soaps that foam but either way, these soaps will kill germs. While hand washing is important, do not over-wash your hands! There is no need to wash your hands every 20 minutes!

  7. No Hand Sanitizers - Do not listen to the media when they say that 99% alcohol is needed in a soap for it to work. This is not true, in my opinion, and the opinion of most alternative practitioners around the globe. You can use a more natural form of hand sanitizers that you can get from Health Food stores or make your own.

  8. Essential Oils - You can even use essential oils on your hands to kill germs too. YES – you can make your own hand soap and household cleaners.

  9. AVOID Lysol – Lysol is not safe and should not be in your home – period. The same is true for bleach and Clorox wipes etc. Check out this site for SAFE cleaning products or make your own.                                                                                                          


For more information contact Doreen at Holistic Wellness From Within LLC at (email) –

All recommendations for supplements, products, or procedures, are not intended as treatment or prescription for any disease or as a substitute for medical care. All handouts or information dispersed as requested, during appointments or at workshops are the opinions of Doreen McCafferty, Holistic Lifestyle Consultant, unless otherwise noted. Individual articles are based upon the opinions or the respective author who retains copyright as marked. This information is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Doreen McCafferty and her community. Doreen McCafferty encourages you to make your own health care decision based upon research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.


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