Necessities for a Healthy Home

A question I am often asked is what I need to do to create a healthy home. I recommend keeping this list of basic recommendations handy so you can start improving the health of your home. I did not buy all these things at once, but over time I have put all these items in my home. Create a wish list and start cleaning up your home.

There are items on the list that simply create a cleaner home environment.

Other items are needed if you should have an emergency or become ill. Clients, friends, and family have all discovered that many of the items on this list are recommended when they have an issue or illness and cannot be bought on a whim. Having your home equipped with basic healthy devices and stocked with necessities assures that you have what you need when you need it.

Feel free to share your healthy home suggestions with me. Email me or leave suggestions in the comment section.

1.      Air Filter - Indoor air quality is generally poor. An Atlas Washable HEPA Ionic Air Purifier Cleaner Ozone air filter is a great air filter for homes. Plus, it decreases the dust in your home.

2.      Grounding Mats and devices – Grounding is extremely important to reduce EMF damage and aid in healing. I have several grounding devices, including a grounding mat to use during the day as well as one on my bed. Grounding sheets are available too. I opted for the mat for the bed, along with a grounding pillowcase.

3.      EMF Reduction Devices- There are many EMF devices you can use to reduce EMFs in your home. In this link, I discuss EMFs and have a list at the bottom of the article of many companies that offer solutions to EMF exposure. Some are pricey and others more affordable so do what you can to reduce exposure. I have Stetzer filters on my outlets, a faraday cage on my router, a safe sleeve phone case, a lap top pad, and several wearable devices to protect from EMF exposure. I use a timer on my router so the Wi-Fi in my home shuts off at night and restarts in the morning and this is easy and inexpensive to use.

4.      Safe and Toxic-Free Cookware – Ceramic cookware, enamel coated, stainless steel, clay bakers, and glass cookware are recommended. Avoid aluminum, iron, copper, Teflon and/or nonstick cookware.

5.      InvationMake your own ozonated water and use this inexpensive device to clean your produce.

6.      Incandescent Lighting – This lighting is healthier and safe than all the newer LED lights. However, recently incandescent light bulbs were banned and cannot be found in most stores, although it is not criminal to use them in homes. I have them in most of my lamps and they create a full, balanced spectrum of visible light with regenerative infrared light. They also flicker less and have low EMF emissions and my plants love these lights! Learn more about incandescent lighting at the link I provided where you can also purchase incandescent lights. I stocked up on incandescent bulbs and purchased mine on Ebay.

7.      Near Infrared Saunas and Near Infrared Lamps – In this link you can discover the benefits of near infrared light.

8.      Enema Kit – Coffee enemas are recommended on a Mineral Balancing program. Some choose not to do coffee enemas until they have a healing or detox reaction that makes them feel bad enough that they finally agree to do this procedure. Coffee enemas clean out the liver, intestines and heal the gut. They remove many parasites and can relieve various symptoms assisting the body in healing and detoxification.

9.      Black-Out Curtains – Creating a healthy sleep environment can be tricky. Sleeping in darkness is important and black-out curtains are essential for most homes. Check out my Sleep Recommendations Article with many suggestions for improving sleep.

10.   Berkey Water Filter – Even if you prefer spring water, a good water filter is essential as you may need it in an emergency. I recommend the Berkey Water Filter, although there are new filters coming out that may be acceptable too. Avoid RO filters as they filter out all minerals but even if you prefer spring water, having a back-up water filter may be essential in an emergency. For more details check out my Safe Water Guide.

11.   Shower Filters – If you do not have a whole house water filter, a shower filter is a must have for every home. You absorb an enormous amount of toxins, including heavy metals, chlorine, and fluoride through your skin. There are many good shower filters. Mercola has an excellent shower filter but let me know if you use another brand.

12.   House plants – Plants are very healing, and I have expanded my collection of house plants over the years. Use plants to decorate your home which creates a cozy and welcoming environment.

13.   Nebulizer for Lung Health and Illness – Should you need to use a nebulizer; it is essential to have one ready to go. You also need the Peroxide Solution recommended to use in the nebulizer. Details are in the link. You cannot buy this type of peroxide at a drug store so order it now and you will have it when you need it.

14.   Basic First Aid Kit – Gauze, band-aids of various sizes, tourniquets, tape, ice packs and tweezers. These are essentials.

15.   Juuva Silver and Juuva Silver Gel – Juuva Silver can replace antibiotics and even be used in conjunction with an antibiotic. Juuva Silver Gel can be applied to cuts and wounds and is even safe to use in areas such as the mouth. I have used Juuva gel on my gums. Juuva Silver is not available in stores. I always have it on hand knowing if I have an emergency, I have what I need to deal with the situation. I would recommend Juuva in place of the ointments and other conventional medicinal products that may come in a first aid kit.

16.   Basic Essential Oils – I always have peppermint, tea tree, lavender, and Thieves® oil in my home. You can use any brand if they are organic and processed without chemicals. Young Living is the only company that sells Thieves® oil. There are many other great essential oils, but these are the basics.

17.   Coconut Oil – For cooking, oil pulling, and using as a moisturizer. I make homemade sugar scrub with coconut oil, sugar, and essential oil.

18.   Endomet Limcomin – If you become ill, I often recommend many of the remedies on this list. Therefore, having them on hand makes it easy to get started right away on whatever is recommended. Limcomin is often recommended when one is ill, even if it is not part of your Mineral Balancing program. Keep a bottle of Limcomin in your home and ONLY purchase Limcomin from my site if you are NOT a client.  

19.   Willow Bark – This is a great option that can be used in place of conventional pain relievers that have toxic side effects. Willow bark can be taken to relieve pain and inflammation.

20.   Clean Hygiene Products – Get rid of toxic products such as body wash, soap, shaving cream, make-up, moisturizers, shampoos, conditioners, deodorants, and so on and replace them with safe products that are safer. Coconut oil can be used for many things from taking off make-up to moisturizing the skin and face. Everything that goes on your skin goes straight to the liver! Livers are already overloaded with the burden of removing loads of toxins from the body. Eliminating the exposure to toxins is necessary to improving health. The Environmental Working Group – Skin Deep - has a database rating these products based on their safety.

21.   Safe Cleaning Products – Remove bleach and other dangerous cleaning products. The Environmental Working Group rates cleaning products too. There are many homemade cleaning products that are easy to make. If you make your own cleaning products, please share your recipes with us in the comments section below!

 The entire contents of this website/article are based upon the opinions of Doreen McCafferty NLC, unless otherwise noted. Individual articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Doreen McCafferty, NLC and her community. Doreen McCafferty encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your health care professional before using products based on this content. All information in this article is for educational purposes only and not designed to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. 

Grounding and Earthing - Reconnecting to Heal


Emergency Recommendations from a Non-Prepper